Social Responsibility Group
"Enriching The Lives of The Disenfranchised"
Sheila Whiting
Pastor, Sheila S. Whiting is a native of Alexandria, VA. She is the wife of one husband, Pastor Louis G. Whiting and the mother of three children Sean, Nastacia and Jazmine. She serves as Pastor of My Father’s House Christian Church International, where she and her husband diligently nurture, and lovingly guide the sheep in the principles of Kingdom Living. Pastor Whiting matriculated through the Alexandria, VA school system and graduated senior class president of T.C. Williams High School and later received her Bachelor of Science Degree from American University. In 1986, Pastor Whiting enrolled in National Church of God's Ministerial Internship Program, also known as M.I.P. and graduated one year later. Soon after graduation, she was appointed as a Minister of the Gospel. Pastor Sheila is gifted, called, appointed, and anointed to sing Praises unto the Most High King. Her heart’s desire is to bombard heaven with praises from her lips and heart to bless the Wonderful Name of Jesus. She is an avid lover of biblical historical events, a thorough researcher of the Old Testament and receives great joy from teaching the word of God. Her parishioner’s often call her a walking, talking, bible quoting, Old Testament teacher.
In closing, Pastor Sheila, loves pleasing God. Her motto comes directly from Psalms 19:14 which states “Let the words of my mouth and mediation of my heart, be pleasing and acceptable in thy sight, Oh God my Strength and My Redeemer”.